Sunday, January 3

Corrupting Talk

I have been sick for four days now...and when I get sick I sleep alot.  Which unfortunately means that when nighttime comes, I don't fall asleep...well, because I am well rested!  So I spent most of last night listening to Bella snore (she's sick too...stuffy nose and sleeping with mommy and daddy) while I surfed the internet finding new and inspiring blogs I love.  I also picked out the 24 scriptures I hope to memorize this year.  Two a month.  I have taken Beth Moore's advice in her scripture memory video tutorials, and tried to pick scriptures that speak to me, that I need...not that others need or that are nice sounding.  Anyone want to join me in my scripture memorization?  Here's my first verse.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.  Ephesians 4:29

This is a great focus for the kids too...
I love this picture would make a great poster in the schoolroom.

BTW, Check out  this great post from Kristi Stephens in a series of using proverbs for parenting, focusing on you and your childrens' speech.  It is packed with great scriptures!!!

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