Tuesday, January 5

Death is not dying

Have you heard Rachel Barkley's speech, Death is Not Dying?

After four and a half years of vigilantly fighting breast cancer, the 37 year old wife and mother of two was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

But for Rachel the essence of life is found in her relationship with God through Jesus. And that's why Rachel is convinced that death is not dying.

On March 4, 2009, what started out as a small talk to a women's group at her church grew into an event attended by 600 women from around Vancouver, giving Rachel an opportunity to share about her hope in the midst of terminal cancer.

Rachel’s honest and thought-provoking talk touched women of all ages and left a hunger for discovering more about Rachel’s journey and the faith that has so deeply affected her life.

I have heard about her in the past and what an amazing story she had, but truthfully, it hasn't been on the top of my priority list to listen to...it's a long speech and have been unable to find the free time ...it's almost an hour long. 

HOWEVER, now that I set aside the time and watched it, let me tell you, if there is one thing you should do today...it is listen to her message!  It is TOTALLY worth the time investment!!!

Too busy right now, you say?  Just enough time to blog surf???
Go ahead and click on the video now, and press pause...let it download...
do the dishes, get your kids those snacks and sippies, start dinner...whatever...but when you get free time tonight or maybe early tomorrow morning...
come back to the computer and LISTEN to her words.

oh, and you are going to need the tissues!

What is the most important thing I want to teach my kids?
What is the one thing, the most important thing I want others to know when they meet me?
What am I living for?
All these questions are answered by listening to her speech.

I am telling you...it's THAT good!  Seriously, go over and click now!!!


April said...

I told you!

Kathryn said...

I know, I know!!! Wow it was good. Btw, I love your blog's new look. Very cute