Wednesday, August 12

Homeschool Open House 2009

We all took a trip to the library this Monday, and I found a great book that I have been wanting to read. It is recommended by My Father's World, but didn't want to splurge and purchase the "deluxe" package which included this book. Glad I didn't now, because it was at the library for free!
The book is For the Children's Sake, by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
A classic on foundations of education for home and school, explaining the ideas of Charlotte Mason in a way that is easy to understand and implement. Macaulay’s book focuses on the best education can be, from a Christian understanding of what it means to be human - to be a child, a parent, a teacher - and on the Christian meaning of life.

I have really enjoyed reading this book, and would recommend it highly to anyone considering homeschooling. I have written down many quotes and ideas to come back to later, since the book is going back to the library soon.

All week long I have been earnestly awaiting for Mr. Postman to deliver our curriculum, and today was the day! I heard the knock on our door, and I RAN to answer it, and there was the glorious box on my doorstep. I shouted a thank you to the mailman walking back to the car...(well, more like a loud whisper, since I have laryngitis...but that's besides the point!) I think I was more excited than a kid on Christmas Day.I have finally learned how to take the pictures off of my cell phone and put them on the computer, Thank you Mark!!!

So here is our "Open House 2009":

Here is James' Desk.
  • On top shelf: All our curriculum, workbooks, flashcards and educational videos.
  • Middle Shelf (in 2 small wicker baskets lined with blue gingham) Coloring Books, Activity Books, Audio Tapes, Cds, and CDroms for computer games.On the Desk:
  • Large basket has all our lapbooks, file folder games, and any other small educational games we print out from computer.
  • On the other side is a two-tiered bin. The top has construction paper and colored cardstock. The bottom houses printer paper and his primary writing tablets. Over to the side of that bin are stickers and laminating sheets.
  • In the drawer: All of his My Father's World Student Workbook Sheets, and other MFW student materials.
  • Under the desk is my large file box, where I keep all file folder game components, lapbooks in progress, seasonal papers, and worksheets waiting to be done. The basket is a catch all right now. I am not sure what I will use it for yet. And next to the basket is a huge roll of newsprint for crafts.

Here is our "Circle Time" Tri Fold Board. It is to the left of James' Desk. It's pretty self explanatory... The bottom right is colors in Spanish, and on the back has days/months of the year in Spanish, also a picture of a body with all the parts labeled in Spanish. We will review these things throughout Circle Time. Also not shown is our number chart...I may switch out the colors and put that on the back too, and replace it with the 100 number chart.Above the Circle Time Trifold, is our whiteboard and alphabet cards. The schedule is listed on the left of the remind ME of what we are supposed to be doing!!! The paper on the cabinet to the left of the board is our "Daily Heart CheckUp" found at 1+1+1=1 blog. I will check off each day with dry erase marker, and then just erase and start over again each new day.
Here is our craft storage closet. Top shelf has some puzzles, and things we will use for James' school year units, but the rest is craft supplies.
Here is a shot of our Workbox System. As of right now, it is on this big huge bookcase, but I may go to Target and get a smaller, shorter shelving unit. There is a timer that will be stored here as well, for the timed activities.
Here is the schedule chart...sorry so blurry. It's my only shot. This is where he will place the numbers from each bin when he's finished. It is on a clipboard that he can take with him to the desk, but store on the bookcase after school hours. We only have 12 boxes, but 15 slots to fill. I have lunch, snack, and other misc. cards. For example, I have a library card, museum card, Computer Games, TV, or Movie card...those usually go at the end of the day! The numbers are from a dollar tree find... they are calendar numbers. I laminated them and then cut them out. I can use the higher numbers for games later on.
Here is a picture of the index card filebox that I referred to in my last post. As soon as I got the MFW manual out, I read thru the whole thing...well... scanned! And have already begun planning out the first week. And this filebox was a lifesaver already!!!

Well, I hope you all enjoyed our open house! Now that I know how to download my Blackberry pics to the computer, I will be more faithful to post pictures and blog about our homeschool days! Can't wait til Monday!!!


Amy said...

I've been wanting to read "For the Children's Sake" for quite a while. Hopefully I can get my hands on a copy soon!
Hope you have a great year!

MrsMomma said...

What a fabulous school room you have!