Sunday, December 28

Quiet Peace

We had a wonderful Christmas. James was so excited when he woke up. First thing he did was run to see if Santa had eaten the cookies we made for him. Sure enough, there were only crumbs left! James' big gift this year was a bicycle. He was so funny- we saved the bike helmet for his last gift to open..the bike was waiting for him outside. Right before he opened the helmet gift, we sadly mentioned that Santa must not have left a bike this year. James said matter of fact-with no doubt about it..."No, he left it outside" Mark and I burst out laughing. "How do you know that?" Well, last year he left the scooter outside. That is just where he leaves things like that" Ohhh....ok. It is a good thing there was a bike outside! He went on to unwrap the helmet and then ran outside-there was the bike. He is doing really well on it. We spent the day with Mark's mom and family, and then traveled to Savannah to visit with his dad's parents.


I like quiet. No, I love quiet. I long for quiet at all times. I love peace and still moments.
Most of life is not quiet. We live in a very loud world. Even as a young child I didn't like loud noises. When the 4th of July fireworks would go off, I would scream because of the noise. Now, when there is alot of noise...background noise, and foreground noise, and ten different conversations going...I get so flustered I can't think, I can't function. I just long for quiet! And not just a break from actual noise, but from life's noise-busy-ness. I feel like I am constantly going going going all the time. Church activities, homeschool association activities, school trips, planning for school, sunday school lessons, cooking, cleaning, parenting, etc. It seems like an endless noisy chaotic life. And I long for a peace.
One of the things I love about Christmastime is that I find that rest, that quiet time I love. Everyone and everything takes a holiday break. A much needed rest. Businesses close, Churches take a break from regular programs, choirs take breaks, Schools take a break, there are no more coops, club meetings, or anything like that. And I find myself just enjoying life. I get to read a book, spend lots of uninterupted quality time with my family, no where to go, and nothing to do but the things I want...and I realize how much I miss the freedom of doing those things all the time!
I remember when I was put on bedrest when I was pregnant with Bella I had this realization... but now I see that I have busy-ed up my life again! I was forced then to have quiet time with no activities, but now as I have my holiday break, I long for the same quietness that I pleasantly discovered while on bedrest.
So my new years resolution is to seek out more quiet time, quality family time. Enjoy God's presence...being still and knowing that He is God. Being peaceful. Content and Happy. I am very thankful for my many blessings He has given me...especially this season, this moment in my life.
Happy New Year everybody.

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