Thursday, February 11

still here

It's been a crazy few weeks, and I just can't seem to find the time or energy to sit down and blog about it all.

We had an awesome birthday weekend with James, fabulous party, and trip to Savannah to go see the circus.

Life has kept me busy as I got sick the week after the party...really sick.  Like maybe swine flu sick?  Anyway, we definitely had a week hiatus in school, cause there were no substitute teachers showing up!

After I started feeling better, I was looking at the rest of the year's work in MFW Kindergarten, and just decided it was time to move on to the 1st grade we have ordered the MFW 1st grade curriculum, and have been enjoying a break until it comes in.

 I have been teaching my coop class of girls all about cake decorating.  Bella eats cake and icing while I teach.  It's a great system!  James has been loving his classes.  He still has cooking, as well as a GAME class.  They have been working on creating games and this week James came home with a game he invented all by himself- THE BLUR.  We played it last night...and I must say he's pretty talented for a 6 year old!!!

I have been able to read and have really enjoyed getting back into bookworm status.  Finished the Guernsey Literary and Potato Pie Peel Society book as well as Same Kind of Different as Me.  Wow, was that one good.  I have been able to tag along to the online book club, Bloom, and look forward to continuing with that.  It inspires you to not just read the book and move on, but to get out and make a difference and serve!  Also have been memorizing my scriptures.  2 down, 22 to go in 2010!

Family life has been say the least.  Mark and I are re-focusing our attention on our relationship as a couple, and that takes time and energy and tons of work...but's it soooo worth it.  What with him working 2 full time jobs, and our 2 kids, plus regular busyness of life, and a mother in law living with us; our relationship needs a checkup, so that's what we are doing, and we are totally focused on us right now...and what a difference the effort has made.    In addition, Mark's sister is going thru a really hard time in her life.  Yesterday I watched my SIL's kids plus mine. I have James-now 6 yrs old, and Bella who's 2... And my SIL has 4 girls...9 yrs, 3 yrs, 2 yrs, and an 8 month old.  They spent the night with us and the whole next day, so that my SIL could pack up and move back to our town.  She has been going through alot lately, and it felt good to help her out, but boy am I tired!  I crashed somewhere around 9 or 9:30 and woke up with a headache~the big family life is not for me!  I'm not sure how mom's of big families do it day after day.  I still need a rest after my rest!  If there was any inkling left in my thinking of opening up a home day care one died yesterday.  RIP  =)

So, whenever life slows down and I have a better handle on how to live life, and blog about it too...I will be back with pictures of the party, circus, and other fun stuff.  Until then, go live your life!

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