Today James turns six years old! I remember thinking when I went to the hospital to be induced on my due date that it was too surreal, I was actually about to have a baby. The day was here, and this was reality!
Love is an amazing thing. I had never felt such love before. He was a beautiful boy...he had the exact eye shape of his daddy and would just gaze at you forever. I loved his eyes.
I remember being so impatient to get him back if the nurses would take him to do testing or bathe him, or whatever it is that they would do... when he finally was brought back, I would just hold him and gaze right back into those huge beautiful eyes, and he would stare back.
He was so teeny tiny. Both outfits that I brought for him to go home in were way too big, and they were the smallest we had. Its funny now to think of how tiny he started out, and then just two short months later at our checkup appointment the doctor was asking us if we had giants in our family! Ummm, NO! James has been off the charts ever since.
James was always a cuddly baby. He would let you rock him and sing to him. He loved to sit in your lap and listen to you read books. He wasn't a shy baby, he would go to most anyone.
As a toddler he really came alive with personality! Giggles and smiles, temper tantrums, then more giggles. We s.l.o.w.l.y learned that he didn't need so much (any) sugar!!! He is just like his daddy in most everyway. Silly and hyper and lovable! Loved to run, run, move, wiggle, and get into mischief.
I can't tell you how many times we "lost" him in the church building where we many rooms, hallways, and elevators to check.
As a preschooler, we quickly learned how smart he was! He was a sponge to soak everything up. He was very curious, and had a love for learning. He gained a sister, and we were amazed at his gently loving spirit. He is soo loving to her. He started to show a shy side to strangers.
Now he's six and I don't know where the time has gone! He loves any kind of sports or outdoor play, as well as computer games. He loves hanging out on the playground with his friends. He loves sugar (hehe), and he loves God.
I love him so much, and thank God for giving our family such a blessing as him.
Happy Birthday James!
I love you James to the moon and back, happy birthday to my sweet boy..xxooxxoo your Ce Ce
Happy Birthday!
Oh wanted to tell you, Hannalee took the blocks you made us with our last name to school for show and share today. The teachers loved them. I told them you made them and how and how you made a nativity too. She said make sure she knows how talented she is!
aww thats so cool and sweet.
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